Wednesday, February 1, 2017

10 Things I'll Tell My Boys

1.   YOU ARE IMPORTANT:  I’m not talking about telling your kids they are more special than other kids. I’m saying that each child needs to know that when they treat people with respect and kindness, then they should accept nothing less as well.  You don’t want children that put all their energy to make other’s happy and do not take the time to make themselves a priority as well. Finding hobbies and interests are a great way to focus on their well being.

2.    LIFE IS UNFAIR: One thing you can expect out of life for sure is that its unfair. That being said, don’t let it discourage your effort. Sometimes you can work hard at something and still “fail”, but among those failing moments in life lay hidden gems. These hidden gems are called growing moments if you embrace them. Perception is key.

3.    FIND YOUR TEAM: Find the people in life that want to see you succeed and be truly happy. Wasting your time with people that don’t truly care about you and don’t help you grow is a waste of time. Find people that will loving tell you when you are wrong, and keep you on the straight and narrow.

4.    BE YOURSELF: No matter how odd or different you might think you are, embrace it. These things set you apart and make you the unique person you are. The pressure among kids to be and live a certain way is overwhelming. Later in life those things that might have made you not fit in at school, could be that same things you cherish having.

5.  EVERYBODY HAS THEIR OWN PROBLEMS: No matter how together some people might look, everyone is dealing with something. It could be anxiety, ADD, panic attacks, abuse, ..ect It’s important to be empathetic and treat people with kindness because you never know the effect you can have in someone else’s life.

6  SOME PEOPLE WILL TRY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU: There will be people through out your life that try and use you, take advantage of your kindness, throw you under the bus, and try and make you look bad. Try your best to avoid these types of people, but if you happen to get caught up with a person like this, cut ties as much as possibly. These people are not worth your thoughts or time.

7.  MAKE SURE YOU GET A GOOD GIRL: When looking for a partner, try and find a kind loving woman. Find a woman that is empathetic, has goals, desire, hobbies, and that doesn’t lie, gossip, cheat, talks down, and generally treats you bad. Look for a woman that you connect with on a friend level because LOOKS FADE and you’ll be left with an old mean woman.

8.   MONEY DOESN'T EQUAL HAPPINESS: You can have all the money in the world but if you don’t have people around you that truly love you to create memories with, it all means NOTHING. Simple things like gardening, cooking, site seeing can be the most enriching things when you have someone you love to share it with.

9.  ADULTS MAKE MISTAKES TOO: Even when you get old you won’t have everything figured out. Age does not equal knowledge. Be humble and never stop learning, never stop asking questions, never lose your curiosity.

10.  MOMMY AND DADDY WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU: I don’t care how old you are, if you need to talk, cry, vent, hug or just want some homemade cookies, mommy and daddy will be here for you as long as we live. We wish you a happy, fulfilled life, and we are so proud of our boys.

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