Monday, February 13, 2017

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

I thought I would take this opportunity to share a few things about myself. I'm so grateful to all the people coming to this blog and reading my posts. I hope that after this you can feel like you know me a little bit better.

1. I'm a goof ball-  I am a pretty silly person if you get to know me but I also don't let just anyone see that side of me. I've had a lot of people ask me why I don't show that side more, so I'm trying to be more open. I feel like becoming a parent has made me even more silly because there's nothing better than hearing my little ones laughter.

2. I have always lived with Anxiety- I can make a post about this and go more in depth, but basically I have had this problem all my life. I feel like a lot of people either downplay anxiety or don't really understand it if they haven't experienced it. I think people who have anxiety are very strong because they fight two times harder to do things verses someone who doesn't.

3. I am OBSESSED with tiny houses- I love looking at tiny houses and find the minimal living very attractive. I could just imaging a tiny house by a lake with a little garden beside it, and in my mind that is my happy place. 

4. Fall is my favorite season- I not only love fall because my birthday's in the fall, but I love fall because I think its the most eye pleasing season. I'm hoping to get out this fall and take some amazing pictures of the beauty around where I live.

5. I can't stand someone rubbing their hands on carpet- So this is a weird one, but it is what it is. Just thinking about it grosses me out, and I can't really give you an explanation on why. I think most people have funny quirk about them and this is ONE of mine 😂 

So there you have it! 5 things you didn't know but now you do. Let me know if you have any special quirks 😝

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