Saturday, February 4, 2017

Before I became a mom I used to put on makeup often. Now that I have a 3 year old, 2 year old, and 4 month old, I don't get the time to do that much anymore. I don't put on makeup because I think I look bad, I do it because it's a fun thing for me. I've always played with makeup and found it very interesting. I think that there is definitely an element of art. Creative makeup is something I'll always enjoyed doing once in a while, and when I get time to sit down and do my makeup, its time just for me. I'm learning to really appreciate any time I get to focus on myself, where as before I had children I think I took that for granted. I'm going to share with you some photo's of artistic makeup I have done, enjoy! 💋

This is a gangsta clown for Halloween
kitty cat (eye's were added digitally)
animal attack (FX makeup) 
Did my husbands makeup (gash wounds) and my skeleton face (eyes were added digitally)

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