Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Key To Happiness

Everyone wants to know how to be happy. First off, happiness is the state of being happy. So how do we reach a state of happy? I don't believe that you can find happiness in material things. Some people can get a mood boost from the initial feeling of a purchase, but that will soon fade. Trying to make yourself happy with "things" will never actually get you to a state of real happiness. New things get old very quick and you're left with a never ending cycle of purchasing, to hold on to that little "high" you might feel. Secondly, thinking that another person can make you happy is also a dead end. Not only is it a horrible thing to put that burden of YOUR happiness on someone else, but also your relationship with that person WILL eventually burn out from your high expectations. Relying on any outside things for your happiness will never get you true happiness. Ultimately, happiness is a state of mind and needs to come from within. No one can affect your mind, unless you yourself allow them to. Focusing within yourself is your best chance to have true happiness. So, how do you become happy on the inside and not let anything affect it? I would say the first thing is to understand that happiness is not a switch you can just turn on and you're good from then on. Its something you have to keep up, maintain, and protect on a daily basis. You will have days where you do awesome and days you do not. Practicing positivity can give your mind a new out look, and gives you a different perspective. If you focus your mind on good things , then the things that tend to get you down won't have the same affect on your mind. Another great thing is to try to become aware of when you are starting to feel down and nip it in the butt. If you recognize your previous negative behavior coming, then you have the opportunity to stop it in its tracks. YOU have the POWER and realizing that can be life altering. lastly, I would encourage you to learn to really appreciate those happy moments. When your doing really well really absorb those moments. If you really make it a point to consciously take in happy times, they will get you through to the next happy moment. If being truly happy was easy than everyone would be, so don't think that its a one time thing. Put in the work everyday and kick some unhappy ass! 💖