Friday, February 10, 2017

Being bored is an essential ingredient for a child's imagination

With all of the electronics out there like game systems, cell phones, tablets, and TV's, kids no longer have a need for their imagination. I don't think having a bit of TV or playtime on a Tablet is bad. I just think as parents we should be making sure that are kids also get "boredtime". When kids have nothing to rely on to entertain them, they then have to rely on their imagination to come up with ways to entertain themselves. This is so important because imagination strengthens your child's creativity muscle, promotes critical thinking and also (bonus for parents), your child won't look to you to always entertain them. People of the world that have great imaginations are responsible for writing amazing books, inventing things, and ultimately changing the world. Every man made thing you see in the world first started inside someones head. Its important to give your kids not always what they want but what they need. They might think it's mean that their mommy and daddy wouldn't let them play PS4 all the time, but its our job as parent to also do what's best for our children in the long run.

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