Friday, February 3, 2017

Spring Cleaning Your Social Media

I'm just wondering if anyone else is having social media overload. I spend what I feel is an unacceptable amount of time on these sites. I think the biggest one would be Facebook. I try at least once a year to take a break but maybe I need to do more than that. I'm missing out on the real world. If I narrow down my social media sites, will it actually make a difference in my life? I've seen articles that claim that sites like facebook can contribute to depression. Seeing ONLY everyone's happiest moments, I'm sure could lead you to feel like your life might be lacking. I'm sure that we would be very surprised who's lives are actually good and who's are not so much. If all of us spent as much time working on our real life instead of our online personas, we would all be much happier. I think in the next little while I will be making changes to my life, so stay tuned.....

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