Thursday, February 9, 2017

"More Jesus"

I thought I would share something cute that happened this morning with my 2 year old son. I have been collecting things in my house lately to give away (mostly baby books). I happen to be going through one particular box and seen a family bible that my mother had gotten us. I was thinking about taking it out but didn't get around to it until this morning. This family bible is just a big white hard cover Bible. As I brought it out, i had my hand and arm over the cover the entire time. I sat down and my son immediately ran over to where I was and began trying to open the book as he said "more Jesus mommy, More Jesus". I was speechless because he's never seen the book before, and there was no way he could have known it was a Bible. My instincts immediately after was to go online and look for a children's Bible for them. I think that I'll read them a story here and there and see if they are interested. I'm constantly amazed by my kids and what their interested in. I love and appreciate that they are so eager to absorb everything around them.

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