Tuesday, February 14, 2017

How To Get Through The Hard Times

Everyone goes through rough times throughout their lives. How do we not only get through these times, but thrive through these parts of our lives? I think in order to do this you must find the good no matter how small and focus on that. We can let bad times break us or we can come out of it stronger than ever, despite them. When I look back on hard times in my life, those are the moments that changed me the most, made me a stronger person, and instilled something in the very core of me. I don't want to let anything break me or defeat me. I want to come out the other side showing my war wounds proudly! We as humans are incredibly resilient, and we need to realize how strong and capable we are. Immediately when something starts to go wrong, stand up to meet these hardships with an attitude of this situation will not get the best of me! Your mind is a powerful tool, its all in how you choose to use it. If you are conscious of how your mind is reacting to a bad situation, it's easier to start to force yourself out of a negative state of mind. 

Ask yourself what you might learn from this situation. Maybe you will learn to have patience, appreciation, love, strength, courage, a sense of self, not take things for granted, compassion, forgiveness, responsibility, self reliant's, thoughtfulness...ect  I'm sure you get the general idea. when you don't let these times control you in a negative way, you are giving yourself the power over your life. Don't just wait to magically find what you could learn from it, search for it, focus on it. Take the focus off of the hardship and put it to where it actually matters. Push forward, know that you WILL come out the other side stronger than ever. Soon this rough patch will be a distant memory and you will be an even more kick ass version of yourself .💗

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