Thursday, February 9, 2017

Why I Started A Blog

I didn't start a blog to make money, or because I think I know more than other people. I started a Blog for my kids. I am a chronic thinker. I am cursed or blessed with thinking out a million scenarios for every situation. I've thought many times before, what if something happened to me and my kids couldn't continue to get to know me. What if I couldn't tell them my thoughts on whats important in life. I wanted them to be able to go some place and read my thoughts and feel like I was still there with them. I know this probably all sounds quite morbid, but life happens and none of us are guaranteed anything. I hope that this blog is never used for this purpose, but it makes me feel better to know that even if something happened, they would still have some little piece of me. So I will continue to tell stories, post on things I've done, write out my thoughts, and desires for the future. I appreciate anyone that takes the time to read my posts. Its definitely a bonus for me if other people can get something out of this blog too. So thank you so much for your interest and support 💓

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