Friday, February 3, 2017

How I knew my husband was for me

I thought this might be an interesting topic. I'm sure if you asked 5 different people what made them feel like their spouse was for them, you would get 5 completely different answers. Keep in mind I'm writing off my own experiences and feelings. I knew of my spouse before we got together but I never talked to him before. He grew up in the community next to the community I grew up in. I had moved away to a city once I had graduated and worked there for many years. Back when facebook started I think most people added everyone they had ever known in their life, and I was no different. We were facebook friends for a very long time but I never payed much attention. One day I received a message from him on facebook, asking if I was going to an event that was held down in the area I grew up. After that we started talking a bit here and there, and of course it progressed into texting all day everyday. I think the first and most important thing was us getting to know each other on a friend level first. I think being friends with your partner is EXTREMELY important. So, we were talking all the time but hadn't actually hung out in real life at this point. The next time i went to visit my family, he asked me to go for a 4-wheeler drive. It's not my personality to just meet up with someone, so on the short drive to where we were suppose to meet I kept asking myself what the hell are you doing. He told me what time to be there, so I made sure I went early. I still remember hearing the 4-wheeler coming and being soooo nervous. As soon as he took his helmet off my mind went blank. I've never been that desperate for words in my life. I'm not sure if he noticed my panic, but regardless quickly took control of the conversation. One of the first things I noticed physically about him was his incredibly kind eyes. I very much believe in trusting your instincts about people, and I knew that if nothing else I would be making an awesome friend that day. I think our 4-wheeler drive was hours long but didn't feel that way. I struggled the whole time to make conversation when we would stop at certain places during our drive. Near the end, we were coming up on where I had parked my car. My mind was still racing to try and think of things to say, all of the sudden, in my head, I heard .. you're going to marry him. When I heard that voice in my head, I admittedly laughed out loud. That was the beginning of our lives together. Later on I had learned that my husband had prayed to meet a GOOD woman. I try everyday to be that person for him. I don't know if I believe in soulmates but I do believe God brought us together at a time we both needed the other. To this day we are both each other's best friends, and I'm excited to spend the rest of our lives keeping it that way.

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