Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Who Needs a Photographer!

Not demeaning what Photographers do, but not everyone has the kind of money to spend on photography sessions. Especially when it came to my children I wanted some pictures that were a little more elevated then your normal everyday quick snaps. I have taken all my photo's with my cell phone and with a little bit of creativity, I think I have some pretty great pictures of my children that look a little more on the professional side. Here are some examples of photo's I've done with my camera, photo app, and some creativity..

(click on picture to enlarge)

The first two pictures I would categorize as regular pictures with the colors intensified. Doing this with a picture app can make the picture more clear and a little more pleasing to the eye. taking a regular photo and intensifying the colors can certainly give it that little bit extra your looking for.

Black and white photos are classy and elevate almost any photo. If you're looking for a timeless sleek look to a photo, consider using a black and white option on any photo app. Black and white photos are my absolute favorite, and I often use this effect for many family photos.

  Black and White photo's with a touch of color can be very pleasing to the eye. You can use this method to draw someones eye to something particular in the photo. Its almost like using a highlighter.

Photos with special effects can be an exciting way to make your photo stand out. This type of photo can have endless possibilities, since there are so many different photo apps, offering different special effects for photos.

This photo has a filter on it. There are countless filters on any photo app. Each filter can give a different look to your photo's, anywhere from vintage to HDR. 

This photo has an artistic effect called oil painting and the flower headband was digitally inserted. This gives you an idea of how creative you can actually get. I'm very pleased at how this picture came out.

This photo has a filter on it and I also used an effect around the picture to give it a dreamy look.

So there are a few tips on how to elevate the look of your photos. I encourage you to play around with photo apps and get creative. This could save you some money in the long run and they are that much special because you added your own touch 💗

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