Saturday, February 11, 2017

Dealing With Bad People

Hopefully in your life you don't have to deal with "Bad People", but many people in the world have shitty Bosses, Co-workers, Neighbors, and people from their past they have to deal with. Its a shame that some people are so pathetic that they have to try and bring negativity in someone else's life to make themselves feel better. I often wonder if mean people actual realize how other's perceive them, or maybe they are so into themselves that their unaware. If someone reveals themselves as a bad person to me, I'll from then on have nothing to do with them. I stay away from people that talk down about others, gossip, and are generally negative. Another big one for me is people who manipulate. I have known people that have tried to manipulate situations, whispering one thing in one persons ear and then something else in another to cause conflict. This works for a while until people start talking and figure out the cause of the conflict (the manipulator). Some bosses seem to be harder on one employee more than another, and often take out there frustration on that person. Its an abuse of power and just not right! Its not exactly easy to rid yourself of these types of individuals, but try your best. Pay attention to what people say and their actions. If someone gossips about people, they'll gossip about you. If someones mean to someone, they will be mean to you. If you see someone manipulating someone, you WILL be their next target. In life you need to be aware that some people would love to see your life fall apart, don't give them the satisfaction. You are worth being treated with respect, accept nothing less!!

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