Monday, February 6, 2017

Why I Quit Facebook (update)

On a previous post I touched on my feelings of wanting to "Spring Clean" my social media. I'm not sure if I will do this to other social media sites I have, but last night I quit Facebook. I'm feeling like I need things in my life that make me happy and grow as a person, and I really don't feel like Facebook does anything for me. The time I spend on Facebook seeing people arguing with each other, starting drama, useless info overload, is time I could be utilizing for more important things. I've witnessed so much petty BS on facebook its unreal. I find these people so pathetic it's embarrassing. What a life sitting on facebook all day trying to start drama because your life is so pathetic. If only these people spent that time trying to make their own life better, they wouldn't need to be sitting there trying to pull everyone down to their level of misery. At what point do people realize how utterly pitiful their life actually is, and grow up. I've done a lot of things including blocking people on facebook, but unfortunately if one of your friends like something, comments on something, shares something, you can see that too. My conclusion is to gracefully bow out of this toxic environment. My life and time is valuable to me and being on facebook is not adding anything of substance to my life. Good riddance facebook, I can't say I'll miss ya.

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