Sunday, February 5, 2017

Its ok to be "boring"

I think with today's standards a lot of people would say I live a pretty boring life. I don't go shopping all the time, don't go out to eat all the time, no bar hoping, no expensive vacations. 95% of my life is at home with my 3 kids (ages 3, 2, and 4 months). Although my life won't always be like this, I'm perfectly fine with being "boring". I think that getting back to simple living can be underrated. In today's society it seems like everyone is in a race to see who has the most things, does the most activities, goes on the most vacations. I get the most satisfaction enjoying the company of people I love. I can't describe how fulfilling a deep conversation with someone that interests me is. Most things in life that can be the most impactful are free. Falling in!,!, taking in a!, connecting with! giving or receiving a compliment! helping a person in! Why do we put such importance on the things that so obviously don't make us happy? I don't want to wait until I'm old laying on my death bed, to finally realize whats important in life. I hope to look back on my life and at least be comforted with the fact, I tried my best to focus on what truly matters in this world.

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